Goode puts promotion talk on the back burner

Banbury Bulls head coach Matt GoodeBanbury Bulls head coach Matt Goode
Banbury Bulls head coach Matt Goode
Head coach Matt Goode is playing down any talk of promotion for Banbury Bulls for now but that may change.

Bulls travel to Bicester looking to complete the double in Saturday’s Wadworth 6X South West One East. Having made it three wins on the spin at Wimborne on Saturday, Bulls are handily placed in third position behind leaders Old Patesians and Chippenham, having reached the 50-point milestone on Saturday.

The leaders have a ten-point advantage on Goode’s boys but Chippenham are only two points ahead of Bulls. Saturday’s game is the final one before the mid-winter break and Bulls resume against Chippenham in January.

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But any talk of promotion is premature according to Goode who said: “We’re taking it one game at a time. Let’s enjoy our rugby and build on this first half of the season.

“We’re not thinking about promotion yet, we’ll put things in place if we get a little bit closer and we’re nearly there. But we’re not going to put that pressure on ourselves, we’re going to continue to enjoy playing our rugby.”

Bulls thumped Bicester 68-12 earlier in the season at the DCS Stadium and Goode will be looking to do the double over their county neighbours who are second from bottom.