Unanimous '˜no' for fresh bid to turn Burdrop pub into a house

The Pheasant Pluckers Inn at Burdrop. NNL-160628-144603009The Pheasant Pluckers Inn at Burdrop. NNL-160628-144603009
The Pheasant Pluckers Inn at Burdrop. NNL-160628-144603009
Councillors were united in rejecting a fresh attempt to turn a pub in Burdrop into a house, which the owners have been trying to do for 11 years.

The owners of The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, formerly The Bishop Blaize, claimed they could not sell the public house but villagers argued it is a valued asset which could be successful.

Numerous past attempts to change the official use of the building have failed and Cherwell District Council’s planning committee came to the same decision.

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Cllr Barry Richards said: “Why would you buy a pub to close it if you then argue that it’s not economical and therefore you’re now a victim because you can’t make money?”

He added: “I hope that other people do not think that there is an advantage in buying pubs to close them so they get a nice house in a village.”

The landlord said they had tried and failed to sell it with four offers rejected, two from the community, but the planning officer and Sibford Gower Parish Council argued the valuation was too high which is why it had not sold.

The owner also claims the pub is not viable but the officer said the opening times are ‘limited’ and work is needed to bring it back up to scratch.

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There were 33 objections to the application, as well as from the conservation officer.

Cllr Debbie Pickford said: “I’m very much against business being closed in villages but may I add a plea to villages: if you don’t use them, you lose them, so if they open please use them or they will close.”