Robber brandishing knife steals money from Bicester newsagents

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Police stock image
A robber threatened a member of staff with a knife before stealing money from a newsagents in Bicester.

Police are investigating after the incident just before 4pm yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) when a man entered McColls Newsagent in Market Square and threatened a female member of staff with a knife.

The man then forced open a till and stole money before leaving the store and turning right into Market Square.

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The offender is white, approximately 6ft, aged in his forties, and of large build.

He has a brown beard, and was wearing a black jacket with his hood up, and black trousers.

Investigating officer Det Con Samantha Bonner from Banbury Force CID, said: “Detectives are working to identify and to locate the offender. “Fortunately the woman in the store was not injured however it was an upsetting experience for her.

“I would like to speak to anyone who witnessed the incident or who has any information which could assist enquiries.

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“If you have any information about this robbery please speak to police.”

Anyone with information should contact Det Con Bonner via the 24-hour Thames Valley Police enquiry centre on 101.

Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.