Parish council near Banbury launches campaign for improved traffic safety measures through its village

Photo of the Roundtown area in the village of Aynho (photo from Aynho Parish Council Twitter)Photo of the Roundtown area in the village of Aynho (photo from Aynho Parish Council Twitter)
Photo of the Roundtown area in the village of Aynho (photo from Aynho Parish Council Twitter)
A parish council near Banbury has launched a campaign for improved traffic safety measures through its village after a recent fatal crash.

Two road traffic collisions have occurred in the Roundtown area of Aynho in the last 10 days, including a fatal motorcycle collision.

The Aynho Parish Council has launched a campaign for improved traffic safety measures through its village, including the dangerous 90 degree bend near Aynhoe Park.

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A two-vehicle collision occurred in the Roundtown location near Aynhoe Park on the evening of Sunday February 28.

The collision, which happened around 9.30pm, claimed the life of a motorcyclist. The motorcyclist, a 40-year-old man, sadly died at the scene.

The incident happened when a red Yamaha FJR motorcycle travelling towards Croughton Road was in a collision with a blue Ford Fiesta, which was travelling towards Banbury Road.

The investigation into the collision remains ongoing by Northamptonshire Police, which includes a search for any witnesses to the collision. .

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Anyone with information or who witnessed this incident is asked to call the Drivewatch Hotline on 0800 174615.

A second collision also happened in the Roundtown area around 4.15pm last Sunday March 7. The second incident involved a single vehicle collision involving a black Ford Fiesta. No one was injured.

The parish council has taken its campaign to social media after the latest two collisions in Roundtown.

Some of the following tweets show how the parish council is making calls for action:

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"Another local motorcycle fatality. Our parish council have raised issues with the bend outside Aynhoe Park on many occasions - no action taken. Time to act!"

"Incidents at Aynhoe Park corner have been reported multiple times & to date, NO ACTION! It’s regular occurrence & we’ve kept Northamptonshire County Highways

informed. Last weekends fatality MUST be the last! But again today another accident! You need to act!"

"After numerous crashes at this junction, we're calling on Northamptonshire County Highways to install proper signage and consider a 20 mph limit. All previous requests have been ignored."

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The Northamptonshire Police Safer Roads Team responded to one of the parish council tweets, and said: "Please note that not all accidents are caused by speed there could be many other factors involved. But if you could email [email protected] with any concerns you have this can be picked up by our supervisors to look into further."

Parish Cllr David Dean said the council has been in contact with the Northamptonshire County Highways team for the past six months in an effort to improve traffic safety at the dangerous stretch of road.

Cllr Dean said: "We get an accident there every one or two months. We do get them quite frequently."

He said: "I think it's an issue of speed. People are driving too fast. What we'd like to do is get an average speed check done through the village."

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A spokesperson for Northants Police said any additional traffic enforcement measures by police are not being considered right now.

Cllr Jason Smithers, Northamptonshire County Council cabinet member for transport, highways and environment, said: “We are prevented from making any comment whilst this tragic collision is still under investigation by the police and has yet to be considered by HM Coroner at an inquest.

"However, we have been working closely with the parish council and will be sharing details of a proposed scheme with its council members in the next few days.”