Banbury's Sunshine Centre is a 'local treasure' for children and families - and that's official

Banbury's Sunshine Centre staff and children welcomed Amanda Ponsonby, right, for the presentation of the 'local treasure' awardBanbury's Sunshine Centre staff and children welcomed Amanda Ponsonby, right, for the presentation of the 'local treasure' award
Banbury's Sunshine Centre staff and children welcomed Amanda Ponsonby, right, for the presentation of the 'local treasure' award
Banbury's Sunshine Centre for children and families has been recognised as a 'local treasure' by the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire.

Nominated for the award by High Stewards of Banbury Sir Tony Baldry, the Sunshine Centre staff and children were thrilled to be visited by Amanda Ponsonby, Oxfordshire’s High Sheriff, who presented them with an award 'in recognition of great and valuable services to the community'.

The treasure theme continued as golden daffodils and goody bags were donated by Juliet Dessain and a group of residents in Hanwell for children to take home, bringing light, kindness and fun into homes over the Easter holiday.

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Sovereign Housing and the National Lottery have also been generous with donations to the Sunshine Centre, which have been used to send treasure home to families in bags containing books and activities.

Children at the Sunshine Centre have enjoyed books, daffodils and activities over Easter thanks to donations from several sourcesChildren at the Sunshine Centre have enjoyed books, daffodils and activities over Easter thanks to donations from several sources
Children at the Sunshine Centre have enjoyed books, daffodils and activities over Easter thanks to donations from several sources

Jill Edge manager of the Sunshine Centre said: "In these very strange times treasure is not always recognised in monetary terms. Human kindness and compassion can outweigh cash in the bank.

“We have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown in and to our community and have been thrilled to accept the award from The High Sheriff of Oxfordshire. There has always been a rainbow shining through this Covid storm in the kindness and determination of residents, volunteers and professionals. This spring we very much recognise the human treasures discovered during the pandemic.”

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