Needles found in Wroxton fly-tip

Wroxton Bridge flytip NNL-170317-154238001Wroxton Bridge flytip NNL-170317-154238001
Wroxton Bridge flytip NNL-170317-154238001
Refuse including 30 used needles, a car seat and construction debris were all found in a Wroxton fly-tip which was removed this week.

Cherwell District Council cleared the area after a resident reported the offence. The site of the tip was in the field adjacent to the A422 under a bridge going out of Wroxton and council officers removed a tonne and a half of waste.

Cllr Debbie Pickford, Cherwell’s lead member for clean and green, said: “It always appals me that thoughtless fly-tippers think it is OK to dump unwanted items and other rubbish on the street assuming that the council will take them away. This is an offence that harms community life and leaves taxpayers with a clean-up bill.

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She added: “We want to help reduce costs to the taxpayer by encouraging people to dispose of their waste safely and responsibly.

Wroxton Bridge flytip being cleared NNL-170317-154511001Wroxton Bridge flytip being cleared NNL-170317-154511001
Wroxton Bridge flytip being cleared NNL-170317-154511001

“We urge residents to help us by reporting incidents and hotspots so we can carry out enforcement action and catch offenders.”

Illegal waste disposal in a public place is an offence punishable by a fine of up to £50,000 or 12 months imprisonment if convicted in a magistrates’ court.

The offence can attract an unlimited fine and up to five years imprisonment for perpetrators convicted in a crown court.

Anyone with information about this or another flytip in the district should contact Cherwell District Council on 01295 227007. Calls will be treated in confidence.