Earthquake confirmed in Oxfordshire

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An earthquake measuring 2.3 on the richter scale caused vibrations in Oxfordshire overnight.

The tremor was felt at 11.12pm last night (Sunday) and was described as a three on the intensity scale meaning it was weak and only felt by a few people.

The point of the rupture of the quake was 5km down into the ground.

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The centre of the small quake is believed to be Thame and Haddenham around 30 miles away from Banbury.

A spokesman for the British Geological Survey said: “It has been indicated by media sources that a number of local residents felt this small earthquake.”

A resident of Haddenham said: “I didn’t feel anything at all but I suppose it’s easy to dismiss the idea of it being a Haddenham earthquake, when there is a rumble.

“It seems like some people certainly felt something.”