Deddington woman Braves the Shave and the cold

Jane Jeffels prepares to Brave the Shave NNL-161215-161400001Jane Jeffels prepares to Brave the Shave NNL-161215-161400001
Jane Jeffels prepares to Brave the Shave NNL-161215-161400001
A woman from Deddington has bravely had her head shaved in memory of a close friend.

Jane Jeffels decided to brave both the shave and the winter weather to raise money and awareness for the charity CALM - Campaign Against Living Miserably.

Her good friend, Andy Tracey, passed away in October of this year so on December 3 she had the chop.

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Jane said: “My mates thought I was crazy getting it all cut off in this weather.”

Jane Jeffels mid shave NNL-161215-161551001Jane Jeffels mid shave NNL-161215-161551001
Jane Jeffels mid shave NNL-161215-161551001

The charity is dedicated to preventing male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. In 2015, 75% of all UK suicides were male.

Jane’s extreme cut was performed by local barber Steve Miller of Deddington.

In all Jane has raised over £400 from cash donations and via her JustGiving page.

She said: “I would like to say thanks to Steve Miller hairdresser and everyone else who supported me.”