Calls for lower speed limit on '˜rat run' road


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Campaigners want a 20mph limit on Astrop Road

Astrop Road, along with Richmond Street and The Knob borders the village’s recreation ground and Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) has recently put 20mph limits in place on Richmond Street and The Knob.

King’s Sutton Parish Council has also requested the limit be put in place on Astrop Road, but NCC Highways has turned down the request after a meeting of its road safety panel.

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The panel said a 20mph limit would have to be enforced by physical traffic-calming measures requiring third-party funding.

But parish councillors say a 20mph limit is necessary since there is a danger of injury or death occuring in the future as a result of road accidents involving children using the play park. There were two accidents involving children last summer.

Councillors are now planning to appeal the panel’s decision and are trying to put together evidence to support its case.

Volunteers are being sought to carry out traffic monitoring of the road and a petition is to be launched to provide further evidence of residents’ support for a reduced speed limit on Astrop Road.

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Parish councillor for traffic calming and highways, Richard Sykes, said residents had complained for decades about speeding on roads used as a ‘rat run’ in morning and afternoons.

He added: “Unfortunately, we always seem to struggle to get people to take positive action to address this issue.

“We will continue our campaign for a reduced speed limit in Astrop Road where, for the safety of the village’s children, we need it most.

“We’re looking for just 10 residents to step up over the next week to help monitor traffic speeds in Astrop Road and other speeding hot spots in the village.

“If we can’t persuade that many to take part and help gather the necessary evidence, though, it’s highly unlikely we’ll ever get speed limit reductions where we really need them.”

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