Banbury man jailed after being found guilty of possessing indecent images

Simon Veale NNL-160318-113302001Simon Veale NNL-160318-113302001
Simon Veale NNL-160318-113302001
A man from Banbury who made more than 3,000 indecent photos of children has been jailed for five years and given a six-year extended licence.

Simon Veale, 43, of Edmunds Road, was sentenced last Friday at Oxford Crown Court for possessing indecent images of children and attempting to arrange a child sexual offence.

He was convicted at a previous hearing after a three-day trial at the same court on February 3.

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He was found guilty by a unanimous jury of two counts of making indecent photos of children, one count of distributing indecent images of children and one count of attempting to arrange/facilitate the commission of a child sex offence.

Between January 2 2014 and March 13 2014, Veale attempted to arrange or facilitate an act which would involve sexual activity with a girl under the age of 13.

The making of indecent images charges relates to incidents between July 3 2012 and March 27 2014 in which Veale made 2,349 indecent photos of children on a mobile phone; and between February 27 2003 and March 27 2014, where Veale made 677 indecent photos of children on a computer.

The distribution offence relates to Veale having distributed 42 indecent photos and videos of children via email to 23 other users between August 30 2011 and March 11 2014

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Veale was arrested on 27 March 2014 and was charged with the offences on 5 November 2014.

Speaking following the sentencing, investigating officer Det Sgt Julia McDowall, from Thames Valley Police’s Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT) said: “Offences involving indecent images of children are not a victim-less crime, the sharing of these images is the result of very serious offences against children having taken place and the further distribution of these images fuels such offences.

“The judge recognised Veale is a danger to children and the sentence he received reflects the severity of his actions.

“Thames Valley Police takes all reports of sexual offences seriously and deals with any victims sensitively.

“If anyone wishes to report a sexual offence, they can do this by calling our 24-hour Thames Valley Police enquiry centre on 101.”