Keir Starmer expects Banbury's Labour candidate to 'have my ear' about the Horton

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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer made a whirlwind visit to the constituency today saying he would expect a Labour MP for Banbury to ‘have my ear’ about the Horton.

Sir Keir, made his stump speech surrounded by his candidate Sean Woodcock and party faithful at Heath Farm, Swerford – home of long-time Labour supporter and environmentalist David Barbour, at the centre of the new Banbury and Chipping Norton constituency.

In an interview with the Banbury Guardian, Sir Keir referred to the NHS and the crisis in childbirth care for Banbury mothers – witnessed in recent stories about the Keep the Horton General Birth Trauma Dossier – saying he was as concerned about maternity provision as anyone else in the region.

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"I am very concerned about maternity provision as anybody living here or living in the region would be; we absolutely need to make sure that it is restored and is a service that people would expect, and not just expect but they are entitled to,” he said.

Labour candidate Sean Woodcock welcomes party leader Sir Keir Starmer to Swerford in the middle of the new Banbury constituencyLabour candidate Sean Woodcock welcomes party leader Sir Keir Starmer to Swerford in the middle of the new Banbury constituency
Labour candidate Sean Woodcock welcomes party leader Sir Keir Starmer to Swerford in the middle of the new Banbury constituency

With Mr Woodcock at his side, Sir Keir said: “Sean does support it and that's really important, because if we're able to form a Labour Government, Sean will be sitting on the government benches and making the powerful case for his constituents.

“I'm not going to make promises we can't keep, but we're absolutely laser-focused on this and Sean will be in my ear, quite rightly, on behalf of his constituents. And if we're in power rather than opposition, that means all those concerned about maternity provision will have a stronger, powerful advocate on their side.

“We’re very keen to help. I'm not going to pretend there's a magic wand I can pull out, the day after the election and spend money that isn't there, but we are absolutely committed to not only lifting the NHS and putting it back on its feet, but making it fit for the future - and that is why we'll immediately inject cash into the NHS that's focused in the first instance, on the waiting lists to take the pressure off, on the mental health support we need, which we can take out into our communities and therefore lessen the pressure on our hospitals.

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“We created the NHS. We proudly look back every year at 75, 76, 77 years of history, but we've also got to look forward and make sure the NHS provides the service people are entitled to, whether that's maternity or other provision.

Sir Keir Starmer speaks to party faithful and the media at Heath Farm, SwerfordSir Keir Starmer speaks to party faithful and the media at Heath Farm, Swerford
Sir Keir Starmer speaks to party faithful and the media at Heath Farm, Swerford

"Because the (hospital) estate is dilapidated, the service is on its knees, the staff are demoralised, and it is frankly shocking that after 14 years the Conservatives have left the NHS in a worse state than they found it.

"I speak for someone who's married to someone who works in the NHS, as you may have gleaned from the strength of feeling that I have of this,” said Sir Keir.

"So we will absolutely make it our priority to get the NHS back on its feet, back for service not just that people expect, but what they’re entitled to. That's what we pride ourselves on in this country.”

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